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The Nearness of Help

Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Our text for today tells us that when we are in need, we can secure help from God, for He is ever ready to hear our cry. In God, we find mercy and grace, and He wants us to come to Him boldly, with confident expectation that He will help. Let us never fail to call on God, for His helping hand is ever ready, whatever our need may be.

Consider these biblical examples of God’s nearness in times of need:

  1. Israel at the Red Sea: Trapped by the Egyptian army with nowhere to go, Israel found a dry road under the Red Sea, revealed by God’s command to Moses (Exodus 14:16).
  2. Water from the Rock: On their way to the promised land, Israel faced a lack of water. Yet, a nearby rock provided abundant water when Moses struck it (Numbers 20:11).
  3. Elisha and the Syrian Army: Surrounded by the Syrian army, Elisha and his servant were protected by God’s powerful army of horses and chariots of fire (2 Kings 6:17).
  4. Judah’s Battle: Faced with a massive army, Judah praised God, and He fought the battle for them, causing their enemies to destroy each other (2 Chronicles 20:22-24).

These stories remind us that God’s help is always near. We may see no possible way of escape, but with God, the answer is always close at hand.