Tune in Here!

About Us

True Hope Media is a ministry of the Cape Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL.

Mission Statement:

With a passion for the Clear Gospel of Grace and relatable Bible teaching, True Hope Media is the 24-hour radio station of the Cape Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL. From daily Biblical challenges to adventures for kids to encouraging music. True Hope Media engages people of all ages regardless of what they are going through in life.

The Primary purpose of True Hope Media is to share the Clear Gospel of Grace. 

The Gospel of Grace is Faith alone in Christ alone.

We are all sinners and deserve an eternity in hell.  The Lord Jesus Christ was made sin for us, died on the cross and shed His blood to pay for all of our sins.  He then was buried and rose again to prove the payment was made.  We believe, one time, not in any of our works, but in the finished work of Christ and we are given everlasting life. 

Salvation cannot be lost, it is everlasting.

Anyone can be saved, not just a preselected few.

After trusting Christ as our Savior the Lord wants us to grow in our faith by continuing in His Word. But doing so has absolutely nothing to do with our salvation.  We don’t do good works to get saved, stay saved or prove we are saved.